Hearings and Appeals

Appeals and the appeals process will be handled in accordance with the State Association Policy under the following conditions:

  1. Involving Leagues and League Play
    • In-house league: (intra-club league)
      • Appeals will be first addressed by the club
      • Then at the disrict level
      • Then at the State Association level
        • If the in-house league/club wishes to establish an appeals fee, this fee shall not exceed $25.00 per appeal.  If the district wishes to establish an appeals fee, this fee shall not exceed $125.00 per appeal.  At any level, if the appeal fee is over turned, then the appeals fee shall be returned to the appellant. 
    • Recreational or Competitive League:
      • Appeals will first be addressed at the district level
      • Then at the State Association level.  If the district wishes to  establish an appeals fee, this fee shall not exceed $75.00 per appeal.  The State Association appeals fee shall not exceedf $125.00 per appeal.  At any level, if the appeal is overturned, then the appeals fee shall be returned to the appellant.
    • State League:
      • Appeals will first be addresssed by the state league
      • Then at the State Association level.  The appeal fee at the stat Association shall not exceed $125.00 per appeal.  If the appeal is overturned, then the appeals fee shall be returned to the appelant.
  2. Involving Disputes within Teams, Clubs, Districts and/or the State Association
    • Teams:
      • Appeals will first be addressed by the club
      • Then at the district level
      • Then at the State Association level.  If the club wishes to establish an appeals fee, this fee shall not exceed $50.00 per appeal.  If the district wishes to establish an appeals fee this fee shall not exceed $75.00 per appeal.  If the State Associaion wishes to establish an appeals fee, the appeals fee shall not exceed $125.00 per appeal.  At any level, if the appeal is overturned, then the appeals fee shall be returned to the appellant.
    • Clubs:
      • Appeals will first be addressed at the district level
      • Then at the state Association level.  If the district wishes to establish an appeals fee, this fee shall not exceed $75.00 per appeal.  The State Associaion appeals fee shall not exceed $125.00 per appeal.  At any level, if the appeal is overturned, then the appeals fee shall be returned to the appellant.
    • Districts:
      • Appeals will be addressed at the State Association level.  The State Association appeals fee shall not exceed $125.00 per appeal.  At any level, if the appeal is overturned, then the appeals fee shall be returned to the appellant.
    • State Association:
      • Appeals will be addressed by the State Appeals Board.  The State Association appeals fee shall not exceed $125.00 per appeal.  If the appeal is overturned, then the appeals fee shall be returned to the appellant.