Game Guidelines

The home team is responsible for making fields, placing corner flags, and putting up nets.  They must also provide a ball which is acceptable for play.

It is imperative that the home team or hosting organization ensures that the goals used for all sanctioned league games are properly and securely anchored to the ground.

Home teams are responsible to make sure that the similarities in uniform and identifications do not result in difficulty in officials carrying out their assignments.

In the interest of better soccer, coaches will manage fans.  No spectator, coach or player should place himself or herself behind a goal.  Team personnel (coaches, assistant coaches managers, trainers, DOC etc.) and non-participating players are required to remain in the coaching area, which should extend no more than 10 yards on either side of the mid-field line.  Where possible, bench areas should be marked at least five yards from the touchline.  Players' benches should be placed opposite of the side of the field where the parents and spectators shall be.  At no time may the number of team personnel exceed a total of four individuals.  

The respective league directors are responsible for making sure proper procedures are followed.  At their option, league directors may institute disciplinary and/or remedial action which may include their assigning of qualified referees and moving games to adequate or neutral sites.  The costs associated with such actions may be assessed on the offending teams.  Complaints concerning improper procedures should be directed to the league directors by visiting coaches.  League directors will make determinations of facts and may assess penalties including forfeiture and fines.  Repeating incidents of using unregistered referees unprepared fields or encouragement of unruly fans or uncontrolled coaches can result in forfeiture of games and possible fines. 

The end of the game ceremony is a soccer tradition and should be honored in the spirit of good sportsmanship.  Both teams are encouraged to return to the middle of the field for a ceremonial handshake regardless of the outcome of the game.